The Secret to Scaling Your Business Faster: Are You Missing Out on This One Revolutionary Strategy?

August 21, 2024


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Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working behind the scenes of many successful six and seven figure businesses. I’ve seen it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve learned what it takes to create an empire that doesn’t rise up and rebel on you.

I know I can help you too!

I'm Marta - OBM & systems Strategist

“This is the story of how I died. Don’t worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn’t even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel and it starts with the sun.”

Okay…maybe I’ve been watching too much Disney with my granddaughter 🤷🏻‍♀️!

This is actually the story of how part of my business died. Don’t worry, it’s not as long of a story as Rapunzel but it does it have a happy ending…although it begins with firing one of my favorite clients.

But let’s back up and start at the beginning…

Where I started: Supporting coaches with systems that scale.

Once upon a time I was and Online Business Manager and Systems Strategist, and for over a decade now, I’ve been deep in the trenches, helping awesome business owners like you streamline systems, manage launches, set up tech, and get their back-end operations in tip-top shape.

But recently, I had a bit of a “lightbulb moment” that made me realize something was missing from a lot of business strategies: solid, data-driven decision-making.

So, let me tell you about a client I worked with not too long ago. She’s super talented but was feeling totally scattered and overwhelmed.

You know the feeling, right?

She was constantly jumping from one strategy to the next—basically throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick—without ever giving any of it enough time to really work. New idea? Check. New coach? Check. Fresh start? Check. But lasting results? Nope. Nada.

We worked together for a few months, and it became crystal clear that while she thought she needed a new ads agency, or copywriter, or coach…what she really needed was clarity. And not just any clarity—the kind that comes from having the right data at your fingertips.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the data (oh the irony!) to convince that client that we really needed to stop with the spaghetti throwing already and spend some time analyzing her data.

It was heartbreaking for me to watch her keep spinning her wheels when I KNEW what would really help her get things back on track. After a while…I just couldn’t do it anymore and we parted ways.

From that moment on, I knew I couldn’t just keep working with people the same way I had been.

Systems are great.

Automations are life-changing.

Processes run #allthethings.

These are all super important!

AND…at some point, as your business continues to grow…you need to know your numbers in order to make informed decisions.

Trying stuff all willy-nilly gets expensive! That client I was telling you about had tried multiple FB Ad agencies, coaches, masterminds, copywriters, launch consultants, you name it, she tried it…all over a period of a few months. Several tens of thousands down the drain.

And while they all reported in their numbers…there were three issues…

1. They were their numbers. The numbers that painted their performance in the best light.

2. She never stuck with anything long enough to get enough data to give an accurate picture of what was happening.

3. The numbers were in disparate places and it was hard to connect it all enough to get an accurate picture of what was happening. Facebook showed different conversion numbers than Kartra did and those were different from Google Analytics…and the social media manager’s numbers were completely different and no one knew where those came from!

There was no where you could pull it altogether into one cohesive place that laid it all out for you.

That’s when it hit me: what if I could help other business owners, like her, harness the power of metrics to make better decisions and truly understand what’s driving their success?

And just like that, (well, several months and a certification in Dashboard Design later…)

Metrics for Momentum was born. It’s an 8-12 week partnership where we dive into your numbers, align them with your goals, and use a six-step system to help you scale your business up to 3x faster. Sound good? Keep reading!

What Makes Metrics for Momentum So Different?

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, I already track some numbers. How’s this any different?” Well, let me tell you: knowing your numbers is just the start.

The magic happens when you start taking inspired action based on those numbers. Here’s a taste of what Metrics for Momentum can do for you (can you tell how passionate about this I am????🤯):

  • Where’s Your Traffic Coming From? Ever wonder if Pinterest is worth your time or if you’re wasting ad dollars? We’ll figure out exactly where your traffic is coming from, so you can double down on what works.

  • Fixing Those Leaky Funnels: Let’s plug the holes in your sales funnel. We’ll pinpoint where potential customers are slipping away and find ways to keep them on board.

  • Is Your Offer Profitable? Got a product or service that’s dragging you down? We’ll help you identify it and figure out how to boost your average order value.

  • Ready to Grow Your Team? Not sure if you need a VA, a marketing manager, or a project manager? We’ll use your data to help you make those calls with confidence.

  • Reclaim Your Calendar: If Zoom call marathons are killing your productivity (and your mood), we’ll help you see where your time is really going and how to get it back.

  • Are You Overpaying for Tools? Whether it’s Active Campaign, Kajabi or Kartra or…insert your tech stack here, we’ll make sure you’re not overspending or stuck on the wrong plan.

  • What Content Should You Focus On? Should you be making more carousels, reels, or going live more often? We’ll figure out what content is actually driving engagement so you can focus your efforts where they matter most.

  • Who’s Referring You? We’ll identify your top referrers and affiliates so you can nurture those valuable relationships.

  • What’s Your Email List Worth? Let’s see if those collaborations are paying off and find ways to improve your engagement and profitability. Or better yet, determine what the value of each subscriber is so that you know what your ROI is for each list-building initiative.

  • When’s the Best Time to Launch? We’ll uncover any seasonal trends or determine if an evergreen model might be a better fit for your business.

  • Are People Showing Up to Your Events? We’ll track your registration and attendance rates to ensure your events are a smashing success.

  • What’s Your Customer Satisfaction Like? We’ll dig into why clients might be leaving and identify any blind spots that are costing you money. Plus, we’ll look at your churn rate and average client lifetime value to help you keep your customers happy and loyal.

Customizing the Dashboard Just for You

Here’s the thing: no two businesses are exactly alike, and that’s why I don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions.

With Metrics for Momentum, we start with a custom business health assessment (trust me, it’s more fun than it sounds 🤗). This helps us figure out exactly what your business needs, so we can tailor the dashboard to fit you perfectly.

That way, the metrics we track and the strategies we implement are all about helping you reach your unique goals.

Making Data-Driven Decisions Easy (and Fun!)

Honestly, one of my favorite things about this work is seeing the transformation that happens when my clients start making decisions based on real data instead of just gut feelings. Metrics for Momentum is all about giving you the tools you need to cut through the noise, focus on what really matters, and take your business to the next level.

So, if you’re an online creative business owner who’s ready to ditch the guesswork and grow your six or seven-figure business by making data-driven decisions, Metrics for Momentum might just be what you’ve been looking for. Ready to live happily ever after? Or at least start making data (not drama) driven decisions? Let’s do this!

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Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working behind the scenes of many successful six and seven figure businesses. I’ve seen it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve learned what it takes to create an empire that doesn’t rise up and rebel on you.

I know I can help you too!

I'm Marta - OBM & systems Strategist

I help service-based business owners create successful online businesses.

But not just any old online business. I help people design their dream lifestyle business and then actually CREATE it. Not just dream about it or create a fancy vision board…but BUILD it, LIVE it, MAINTAIN it and GROW it.

Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working behind the scenes of many successful six and seven figure businesses. I’ve seen it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve learned what it takes to create an empire that doesn’t rise up and rebel on you.

I’m sure I can help you too!

I am the calm voice of reason that will keep you and your business on track and moving forward...gracefully!

COPYRIGHT © 2008 - 2023 · Marta Costa & Co  | TERMS & CONDITIONS